For this soundscape project I have decided to use more than ten sounds to allow myself to have more variety throughout the audio. The audios I have chosen consist of sounds that I found satisfying or intriguing to the ear and I also chose sounds of nature. When first going through the audio clips I originally wanted my theme to be unpleasant sounds that evoke the feeling of eeriness and uncomfortableness but as I continued to listen to those sounds I decided against it due to the overwhelming dissatisfaction I had for the sounds. Instead I want to pursue a soundscape that is not only satisfying but interesting to the ear, thus I chose sounds that I personally found embodied that theme and evoke a sense of satisfaction and curiosity. I want to make a soundscape that also has some calming aspects to it; I plan to use nature sounds as a base for calmness seeing as nature is often associated with that (such as water, crunchy leaves, birds singing). As for the intriguing sound I chose some that have a hollowness to them, others were chosen because they aren’t easily identifiable although they are typical everyday sounds. I plan on making this soundscape similar to the EDM genre of music but without following the typical rules of a build-up throughout the audio. Rather than a build up I almost want it to stay consistent and steady to create a calming and stable ambiance, rather than telling a story with a beginning, climax, and a resolution.
